* UK - On The Buses
Bus driver Pat Jevons says a friendly smile and staying behind the safety screen are the keys to a safer busUK -News Shopper, by Jon Cheetham -18 April 2007: -- Pat Jevons has been a bus driver for six years. She wanted to be a bus driver ever since she was young... She said: "I always wanted to drive HGVs. I was a bit of a tomboy. It took me three weeks to train. It's fairly quick if you have got it. Driving a bus is all in the mirrors."... She used to run the Oakhill Tavern, Bromley Road, Beckenham with her 50-year-old partner Eamonn Cantwell... The 40-year-old from Orpington decided to make a career change as she thought life was too short... But Pat says she wouldn't change her job for the world... She said: "I enjoy the job and I am very happy to be where I am..."
* USA - Nady students start early; bus driver even more so - A look at DeWitt Schools’ transportation system
DeWitt,AR,USA -DeWitt Era-Enterprise, by Christina Verderosa -19 April 2007: -- Most of the citizens of Gillett are still snug in their beds when Charles Poll arrives at the school campus and starts up his bus... After performing his morning safety check and filling out his paperwork, Poll heads off into the darkened streets of Gillett to begin his route at 5:25 a.m... Transportation in the DeWitt School District is complex and expensive... Many of the bus routes travel long distances to Reydell, Ethel, and Humphrey, often over unpaved roads... The trip is not quite over for Poll. He checks the bus to make sure nothing is left behind — books, bags, or, as happened once, a sleeping student. He then pulls the bus over to the gas tank to get it filled up and ready to do it all over again in the afternoon...
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