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Investigators * USA - Say some buses that transport kids are unsafe
Harris County,TX,USA -KHOU 11 News (Houston,TX,USA), by Chau Nguyen -April 11, 2007: -- It happened as dozens of teens were packed inside a bus heading to school in northwest Harris County –
the brakes seemed to fail and the bus driver lost control - Amazingly, no one was hurt... Bad brakes may have been to blame for an accident that could have been much worse, but Harris County investigators say the real responsibility lies with the company and its decision to hire the bus driver... The driver had expired insurance and didn’t have the correct license to be driving the kids. He’d been on the job only two days when the mishap occurred... Heights transportation, which does business as Houston Heights Bus Service, is also contracted by the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department... The company buses troubled teens to alternative schools... But records show that from 2003 to 2006, TXDOT, which oversees bus safety, pulled 19 of its buses out of service for violations that included improper exhausts, defective brakes and more... (11 News - State records show transportation company has a checkered history)Labels: dangerous buses
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