AWARD * Canada - Bus drivers receive national accolades

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In brief: Worldwide montly news & informations about Buses, Busmakers, Passengers' and the Transport Industry
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Labels: drivers' recognition
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Labels: bus size
Dothan,AL,USA -The Dothan Eagle, by Ebony Horton -Sep 21, 2007: -- Dale County Schools transportation director Lyvon Gilmore sleeps better at night knowing his guys are taking care of the hundreds of children bused to school each day, he told transportation employees earlier this week... But their hard work is not just recognized locally. The team was recently awarded the state Department of Education Safety Award for having a less than 10 percent deficiency rate on buses inspected by the state once a year...
Labels: awards
Labels: infrastructures
Youngsters are calling for transport to be made safer in Tendring.
Labels: passengers' survey
Labels: rules and laws violations
Labels: GPS
Labels: bus makers news
Labels: buses' exchange
Labels: buses' fleet
Labels: fines
Labels: crowded school buses
Labels: speed limit
Labels: mass transit
Labels: youths troubles on buses
Labels: bus lanes
Labels: buses purchase prospects
Labels: bus services
Labels: controls
Labels: buses purchasing prospects
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Labels: busmakers' news
Labels: safety measures
Labels: buses' safety
Labels: new buses fleet
Labels: passengers complains
Labels: transport intelligence
Labels: school bus maintenance
Labels: buses purchase prospects
Shimla,Himachal,India -HimVani -10 Sept 2007: -- Himachal Pradesh government has given a new definition to women empowerment by reserving 33% seats in all government and private buses for the fair sex... The government has issued directions that violation of this order will be dealt with severely... All buses will now mandatorily have to specify in bold letters seats reserved for women... The transport department also plans to carry out surprise raids in buses to check any violation of the order...
Labels: women on buses
It's hard to say just how inadequate public transit is. After all, there's no statistic that measures how many people don't take a bus because they can't get to it, or because it doesn't run late enough for them to get home from work
Labels: fewer buses
Mass transit works
Labels: mass transit
Labels: transport mafia
Tampa,FL,USA -InjuryBoard, by David P. Lowe -9 Set 2007: -- According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, which keeps bus accident statistics: In school bus crashes over the last couple of decades, fewer than 10% of school bus occupants have had any injury and 90% were not injured at all. The occupant most frequently injured is the bus driver since that seating position does not have the same passive occupant protections that passenger seats have, such as flexible and padded seat backs. The persons most likely to be injured in a school bus crash are drivers and passengers of vehicles that strike the bus or are struck by the bus. Sixty percent of school bus fatalities involve non-bus occupants. Small vehicles do not do well in a crash with a big yellow bus or any other big vehicle, and should be driven accordingly. The majority of school bus crashes are cited as the fault of the other vehicle's driver...
Labels: accidents statistics
Ellensburg,WA,USA -The Daily Record , by DON GRONNING -9 Set 2007: -- “Hi Pat,” says one youngster, clambering aboard the bus for the ride home from the second day of school... Pat is Pat Young of Ellensburg, and she has been driving a school bus for 30 years. She knows her passengers by name and greets her young rider... When asked if she ever transported the child of a former passenger, she said yes... “I’ve hauled them, then their child, then their grandchildren,” said Young, who has never had an accident in her 30 years of school bus driving. One of her more satisfying memories is of a student she didn’t get along with particularly well... “I hauled her for years, then she graduated and I forgot about her,” said Young... Then one day she stopped to pick up a rider and the mother came out to put her little girl on Young’s bus. The mother was the woman who Young thought didn’t like her...
Labels: bus drivers stories
A new system to improve bus punctuality has been so successful that it is to be rolled out to other areas
Labels: bus scheme
* India - Trucks and Buses coming up from Daimler Chrysler in
Labels: busmakers' news
Labels: passengers' transport industry
Labels: bus rapid transit - BRT
Labels: private security on buses
Labels: new buses fleet
Labels: new buses fleet
Labels: accidents
Almost three-quarters of bus passengers are pleased with the service provided by their local buses, a Department for Transport survey into passenger experiences reveals today
Labels: passengers' survey
A low-cost bus service has bought a new fleet of double-decker buses that will soon be seen on Wisconsin's roads
Labels: new buses fleet
Montreal's first hybrid electric-diesel transit buses will hit the streets in early 2008 with the financial support of higher levels of government
Labels: hybrid buses
Hudson,WI,USA -The Hudson Star Observer, by Margaret Ontl -September 06, 2007: -- Safety first is not just a slogan for Safeway Bus Co... Its fleet of 50 buses hit the road on Tuesday, the first day of school, for the Hudson district... New to the vehicles are security cameras on every bus...
Labels: new buses fleet