Buses are wholly unreliable in Belize, but an adventure worth trying.
Belize -Nomadic Dust, by bpfrank -March 19, 2008: -- The majority of mass transport buses in Belize are those sold to the Central American country by the United States (of America), deemed no long fit to transport children to and from school... During my first trip to Belize, the bus I was on experienced much difficulty scaling the side of a hill. To remedy this issue, the entire group I was traveling with filed out of the bus and walked up the hill, alongside the bus. Aside from durability, the buses carry unique crowds of both backpackers and commuters, Belizean and foreign alike... Although, the bus schedule is similarly unreliable and although not necessarily a weak point, the traveler should cushion approximately one hour into all travel times for poor roads, stops, and delays... During my eight hour bus ride to Punta Gorda, the far South of the country, I was “lucky” enough to hear rival radio stations- from the bus driver, and the drunk gentleman with an incredibly loud boom box sitting three rows back. Like I said, it is an experience...
Labels: public transport systems