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RAPID TRANSIT DEBATE * Canada - Vancouver shows how not to handle buses

Vancouver is struggling with new bus lanes because of interference from cars. Vancouver,BC,CAN -The Cascacia Report by Bradley Meacham -June 08, 2007: -- ... The congestion means that bus lanes haven't cut travel times. But the city's report notes an improvement: "bus lanes can raise the profile of transit on a corridor and can be a symbol of transit priority"... The question remains why we can't mimic the successful Rapid Ride program in Seattle. If you simplify the system and provide frequent service, people will ride...
* Canada - Bus-only lane ineffective, study shows - On paper it seemed simple
Vancouver,BC,CAN -The Vancouver Sun, by Gerry Bellett -June 07, 2007: -- Spend $207,000 to create bus-only lanes during peak hours along Broadway so the 99 B-line express bus can whisk passengers quicker... That was the theory and the money was spent and special bus lanes were designated along one of the busiest traffic and transit corridors in the city... But in practice passengers aren't getting there any quicker... A report from Neda Emami of Vancouver's strategic transportation planning department admits the city's transit plan hasn't had the desired effect... In fact, a 2004 study warned such a plan "would have little or no impact on bus travel times on the corridor"...
* USA - RapidRide
King County,Seattle,Washington,USA -metrokc - June 2007: -- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a term used to describe transit services and facility improvements that achieve faster operation than traditional buses... Recently, Metro and the cities of Shoreline and Seattle moved the Aurora Avenue N./State Route 99 corridor closer to RapidRide service levels by increasing the frequency of service throughout the day and by moving buses to a dedicated transit lane in some sections of Aurora Avenue N. Over the past five years, ridership has increased on Aurora Avenue N. by almost 2,000 rides per day, more than 600,000 annually... Under the new initiative, Metro will install new buses and upgraded passenger waiting areas, add technology to synchronize traffic signals and operate real-time bus arrival signs, and develop and implement RapidRide service on the following five corridors...



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