GREEN NEWS * Brazil - São Paulo joins EU's BEST project with pure ethanol bus trial; over 400 in operation so far
Sao Paulo,Brazil -Biopact (Brussel,Belgium) -January 13, 2008: -- The University of São Paulo's (USP) Cenbio (National Center for Biomass Technologies) of the Electrotechnical Institute of Energy (IEE), has joined an EU-led international project aimed at researching and stimulating the use of ethanol in public transport... The €17.7 million BEST project (Bioethanol for Sustainable Transport) now has more than 160 buses running on the fuel in cities across Europe and in China. Sweden is the leader and has been operating ethanol buses for over 15 years, with more than 400 now on the road... The participation of Brazil is logical, because the country is the largest user of the biofuel. Under BEST, the megacity of São Paulo will trial a set of buses running on a special E95 hydrous alcohol fuel for one year to demonstrate the nearly pure biofuel's viability and to study its emissions profile. The vehicles will serve the metropolitan Jabaquara corridor, with nine terminals and four municipalities: São Paulo, Diadema, São Bernardo do Campo and Sainto André. This 33-km line will transport 1900 travelers per day. (See video at O Globo).
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