Driving - USA - Braking His Silence
Working as a bus driver, Dan Evaniuck puts up with traffic in exchange for forging friendships
Santa Clarita,VCAl,USA -The Signal, by Lila Campuzano -13 Nov 2005: -- A compact car cuts him off... A Ford Taurus makes an illegal U-turn in front of him on Lyons Avenue, forcing abrupt braking action... And as he tries to cross lanes to turn left in Stevenson Ranch, a stream of cars and trucks rushes past, their drivers refusing to let him in as he marks time in the middle lane... Dan Evaniuck shrugs it off... It’s all in a day’s work for the Santa Clarita Transit bus driver, one of more than 100 who run routes in the Santa Clarita Valley, as well as commuter routes to the San Fernando Valley and downtown Los Angeles... On narrow Newhall Avenue in front of Hart High, tree trimmers are blocking part of the lane. It’s too early for many students to be waiting for his bus, but on a later run if the trimmers are still there, Evaniuck predicts problems... Back at the McBean Transfer Center, the driver doesn’t even get off the bus before preparing to head eastward toward Canyon Country. The man with the walking aid offers to stay on board to avoid the hassles of a transfer... “It’s not a hassle,” Evaniuck responds. “It’s just part of the job.”...
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