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* UK - London Underground, Bus Fares to Be Frozen Next Year
London,UK -Bloomberg, by Brian Lysaght -Oct. 30, 2007: -- Mayor Ken Livingstone plans to freeze most London Underground and bus fares in 2008 after three years of above-inflation increases, a measure criticized by his political opponents as a ploy to gain re-election... Tickets on the London Underground, the train network known locally as the Tube, will remain at 1.50 pounds ($3.10) next year in the central city using an Oyster pre-pay card and 4 pounds for cash fares, the mayor said in an e-mailed statement today. Bus fares will stay at 90 pence for Oyster users and 2 pounds in cash... (Picture from Congested street in the city centre with a high proportion of urban and tourist buses)* UK - Gilligan's distortions on fares freeze' London,UK -London Government, Press Release -2 Nov 2007: -- ... The reason ... Andrew Gilligan's attacks are so ineffective - which he acknowledges by claiming that Transport for London and the Mayor 'get away with it' - is that it might seem clever to a journalist or a newspaper to rip individual facts out of context to try to make a false point, but the public knows and feels the real situation. Therefore it is the journalist and the newspaper which are not believed. Andrew Gilligan can be taken seriously as a writer on transport or other matters if he deals with the facts in a serious and comprehensive way - unlike the errors contained in the present and previous articles...Labels: buses fares
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