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Cities' Rules * USA - Bus line's plan runs awry of
Boston,MASS,USA -The Boston Globe, by Nicole C. Wong -October 31, 2007: -- City regulations and the threat of fines are posing problems once again for a discount bus company shuttling passengers between Boston and New York - and this one hasn't even hit the road yet... Vamoose, a New York-based family business, plans to launch a daily New England route on Nov. 8 that will take riders from the Hub to Manhattan for $22 one-way on motor coaches featuring free wireless Internet and guaranteed seating - perks similarly priced competitors don't offer. But Vamoose plans to load and unload passengers in front of Harvard University's Widener Gate and in front of a Dunkin' Donuts one block from Copley Square - illegal curbside activity Cambridge and Boston city officials say will rack up parking and pollution tickets ranging from $20 to $1,000 a piece for Vamoose... Transportation officials are disconcerted by Vamoose's plans to stop on the street... (Photo by John Marshall Mantel for The New York Times - Vamoose owner Zamvel Bluzenstein checks tickets on a bus before it departs Manhattan)Labels: rules
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