User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Buses World News: TV on BUSES * China - BAMC's Mobile TV Covers 80% of Beijing Buses

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TV on BUSES * China - BAMC's Mobile TV Covers 80% of Beijing Buses

Beijing,China -SinoCast via COMTEX -Sep 30, 2008: -- The mobile TV programs of Beijing All Media and Culture Group (BAMC) have covered 80% of city buses in Beijing and several metro lines like No.5, NO.10, No.13, and so on, with more than 35,000 media terminals, reaching 13 million audiences each day... Beijing Public Transport Holdings, Ltd. (BPT) discloses that about 1 million people watched live broadcasting of launching Shenzhou VII spacecraft on September 25 via mobile TVs on busses in Beijing. .. During the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games, each day over 20 million Beijing citizens were watching the games on 20,000 buses and four metro lines...



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