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PASSENGERS * New Zealand - More Drivers Ditch Their Cars And Catch The Bus
The rising price of petrol is changing people's travel habits in Rotorua and Tauranga with an increase in the number of car-owning residents choosing to travel by bus instead, according to a recent survey
Wellington,New Zealand -Voxy - 25 September 2008: -- ... This trend was revealed through an independent telephone survey of 850 residents by Environment Bay of Plenty, which funds public bus services in the Bay of Plenty. Tauranga and Rotorua bus services are excellent or very good value for money, according to about 90 per cent of bus passengers surveyed... More than 80 per cent of bus passengers in Rotorua and Tauranga are satisfied with bus services... Around 65 per cent of passengers are using buses up to three times a week. There is an increase of up to 12 per cent in the number of passengers commuting to work by bus in Rotorua, while Tauranga has seen a 4 per cent increase. About half of the passengers surveyed owned a car, but chose to travel by bus instead... The survey also found that a fifth of passengers travelled by bus because it was cheaper than driving and was good value... Labels: new passengers
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