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NTCS' drivers fearful * Jamaica Islands - Workers plagued by extortionists
Kingston,Jamaica -The Jamaica Gleaner, by Athaliah Reynolds -October 30, 2007: -- Ezroy Milwood, president and chief executive officer of the National Transport Coorperative Society (NTCS), is lamenting that bus operators are continuing to suffer at the hands of extortionists... According to Milwood,
NTCS drivers are forced to pay thousands of dollars daily to these extortionists who will often get violent if their demands are not met... "On a normal day, by the time (a bus crew) gets to (a single) destination, they have to pay extortion fees of up to $1,000, sometimes four times within that one journey," said the NTCS boss... "If you don't pay this extortion fee, it means that your windscreen (will be smashed) or your tyres will be slashed and, most likely, it will cost personal injury to the crews," he added... Meanwhile, Mr. Milwood said it costs over $15 million a year to operate his fleet of some 164 buses, in addition to a mountain of other expenses including extortion fees and wrecker costs, as his bus crews are constantly preyed upon by the police... (Picture from Jamaica's buses)* MORE OVER: Police team allegedly opens fire on passenger bus
Jamaica Islands -Radio jamaica -29 October 2007: -- Commuters traveling on the Mandela Highway into Kingston said they got the shock of their lives Monday morning when a police team opened fire on a passenger bus which disobeyed their orders to stop. According to an alleged eye witness, police and Transport Authority personnel were conducting spot checks along the Ferry main road when the police signaled a Toyota coaster bus to stop. It is reported that the driver refused to stop and the police opened fire on the bus...Labels: driver dangerous jobs
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