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Hybrid - USA - The greening of the city bus
San Francisco,CA,USACNET - By Michael Kanellos June 1, 2006: -- In the world of hybrid cars and alternative energy, the municipal bus has become the vehicle to watch... Short driving distances and the stop-start nature of urban driving have made buses into something of a test platform for ideas for energy-efficient vehicles. Major cities have begun to buy into these buses as well... San Francisco, for instance, announced this week that it has ordered 56 Orion VII hybrid diesel vehicles from DaimlerChrysler and will have 86 of the buses, which run on diesel and battery power... New York, meanwhile, already owns several Orion VIIs and has plans to put 1,000 of them on the streets by the end of the year... Toronto has ordered 200... Daimler also has kicked off a trial in California with the Sprinter, a plug-in hybrid delivery vehicle. Plug-in hybrids run almost exclusively on electricity and get recharged at night by being plugged into a wall socket... (Photo Credit: Michael Kanellos - Andreas Renschler -left- a member of the board of DaimlerChrysler, and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom -center- stand in front of the California city's first Orion VII hybrid diesel bus)
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