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Techno-News * USA - Transfort buses get tech boost
Fort Collins,COL,USA -The Coloradoan, by David Young -February 19, 2010: -- Fort Collins' transit system is a bit more tech-savvy today thanks to a new wireless broadband networking device installed on all of its fixed-route buses... Twenty-nine Transfort buses are now equipped with the latest in mobile networking technology from Vancouver, British Columbia-based In Motion Technology... In Motion helped install its onboard Mobile Gateway on the buses to provide passengers better security and up-to-the-minute bus locations... The Gateway includes a built-in global position device, or GPS, and allows Transfort to hook up its onboard cameras to synchronize with a network of wireless services... Signs alert riders that they are being recorded, who noted the technology is intended to make passengers feel safer when riding buses... (Photo by V. Richard Haro/Coloradoan library - Transfort riders get off a bus at the Old Town depot in May 2008. Transfort has equipped 29 buses with mobile networking technology)Labels: techno buses
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