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BUSES' PURCHASE PROSPECTS * USA - Transit directors OK purchase of smaller buses
San Diego,CAL,USA -The North County Times, by CHRIS NICHOLS -February 18, 2010: -- In a move to save money and fuel and better fit its ridership, North County Transit District directors on Thursday approved the purchase of 24 new and smaller buses, the public agency's spokeswoman said... The 28-foot StarTrans buses could be on local roadways as early as August, officials have said... They will seat just over 20 passengers compared with the 70 who can sit or stand on the district's largest buses. Much of the existing fleet, which ranges from 32 feet to 40 feet, ferry a small number of passengers, especially on the less-used rural routes... The public agency provides bus and commuter train service across more than 1,000 square miles... Its contract will pay Chino-based Creative Bus Sales $3.5 million for the gasoline-powered vehicles.The district included an option to buy 24 more of the same buses in future years... NCTD's vehicle-replacement funds will pay for the buses... (Photo from interstatetransportation) Labels: buses purchase prospects
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