Limit Flow Tourists - Italy - Overrun Tuscan town may do'it
Residents unhappy about overcrowding caused by 3 million visitors a year
San Gimignano,Tuscan,Italy -The Guardian Unlimited (UK) , by Barbara McMahon -June 12, 2006: -- The medieval hilltop town of San Gimignano, acclaimed as one of the jewels of Tuscany, is under such attack from tourism that local authorities are considering restricting the numbers of people allowed into the city at any one time... Three million tourists descend on the town, famed for its art-filled churches and picturesque skyline of towers, every year, surging through a cramped historical centre that measures only 900 metres by 500 metres... San Gimignano's mayor, Marco Lisi, attempted to quell the controversy yesterday. "When you see 100 tour buses a day, it's not nice," he said. "We want to welcome everyone but like many other tourists towns, we suffer from the fact that people come here for a short time and then leave"... (Photograph: Alamy - San Gimignano... famed for its art-filled churches and picturesque skyline of towers)
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