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STIMULUS FUNDS * USA - Money to fund new buses
State to receive $15.1M from stimulus
Iowa City,IOW,USA -The Iowa City Press-Citizen, by Rob Daniel -May 21, 2009: -- More stimulus funding from the federal government has been awarded to the Johnson County area to buy new buses, according to the office of Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa... Loebsack announced Wednesday that about $15.1 million in funding from the U.S Department of Transportation was being awarded to Iowa to improve its transit system. The funds, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will be used to buy 168 replacement vehicles and four additional vehicles for transit systems throughout the state, according to a news release... In the Second District, which includes the Iowa City area, an unspecified amount of the funding will help rehabilitate the maintenance vehicle storage yard for Muscatine Transit and expand the maintenance bay and storage lot for the River Bend Transit, which serves four counties including Cedar and Muscatine counties... (Photo from Dale City bus pix)* Norton school district to run cleaner buses
Akron,OH,USA -The Akron/West Side Leader, by Maria Lindsay -21 May 2009: -- Buses, breakfast and student fees were on the agenda for the Norton City Schools Board of Education meeting May 18... Paul Stoneking, district supervisor of transportation, reported Norton City Schools will receive a $35,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to retrofit 16 of the district’s 31 buses with special mufflers and filters to help them run cleaner by the start of the next school year... Six of the district’s newer buses are already equipped with the special mufflers and filters, 16 more will be retrofitted in the coming weeks, and the rest are too old to have the work done, he said. The life span on the equipment is about five years... (Photo from democratandchronicle: Environmental)Labels: stimulus funds
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