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Bus Rapid Transit * South Africa - For cleaner cities
Johannesburg,SA -SA’s Bus Rapid Transit System -May 18, 2009: -- ... By 2020 Johannesburg is estimated to have about 4 500 people for every square kilometre. By then, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is expected to be within 500 m of most people’s front doors. The planned Bus Rapid Transit BRT systems will operate along dedicated bus lanes. It will provide faster and more affordable mass transit systems... Johannesburg’s new BRT system, known as Rea Vaya (meaning “we are moving”) will eventually be bigger than Beijing’s system - spanning 330km... BRT systems are in the pipeline for other local cities hosting World Cup events, including Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth... The main focus in South Africa is on Johannesburg’s ambitious plans which will form the backbone of, if not the framework for, a new-look city... At least three other metropoles - Tshwane, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth - are to introduce initial phases of BRT systems, to be operational before 2010...Labels: bus rapid transit - BRT
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