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HYDROGREN FUELED * Germany - To receive fuel cell-powered city buses
North Rhine,Westphaliam,Germany -Clean Tech -February 13, 2009: -- Arnhem, Netherlands-based Nedstack is to deliver two fuell cell-based city buses to North Rhine Westphalia by 2010... Germany's Minister of Economic Affairs plans to sign a contract on February 17 for the delivery of two buses to the city of Cologne, according to Nedstack, a Netherlands-based fuel cell developer... Nedstack manufactures proton exchange membrane (PEM)-based hydrogen fuel cells that combine hydrogen and oxygen in an electrochemical reaction to produce electricity... Buses are a better platform for fuel cells, the company said, because they can store enough compressed hydrogen within their extra space for a typical city route, and can better accommodate the reformer which extracts hydrogen from other stored fuel like methanol or natural gas... (Image from Nedstack - Buses: A fuel cell powered bus offers more passenger comfort and lower operational costs than its conventional counterpart powered by diesel or natural gas. And above all, a fuel cell bus is whisper silent and completely emission free!)Labels: hydrogen fueled buses
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