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Dangerous Companys * Belgium - Forget the night, say bus drivers

Brussels,Belgium -expatica -30 Jan 2007: -- Just days after the accident that claimed the lives ofseveral Belgian nationals in Germany, bus drivers, backed by their employers, expressed their disapproval of night shifts... "All serious accidents take place at night", said Guy Van Hyfte, busdriver and labour union member... Furthermore, many companies do not respect the legislation limiting driving time. Passengers' testimonials collected by the Belgian media group Corelio, show that drivers often drive too much without taking sufficient rest. Plus, the co-driver does not always rest while their colleague takes the wheel... Yves Mannaerts, the director of the Fédération belge des entreprises d'autobus - a federation representing bus companies, said that such behaviour is against the law, and that bus drivers should rest, even if the sleeping conditions are less then optimal, in the narrow cabin located next to the engine where drivers are expected to rest...



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