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Suggestions * USA - Offered to keep bad school bus drivers off the road

West Hartford,CT,USA -The Journal Inquirer (Manchester,CT), by Christine McCluskey -30 Jan 2007: -- Lawmakers on the Education and Transportation committees heard a variety of suggestions Monday for how to prevent bad school bus drivers from getting on the road in Connecticut... One bill would make several changes to current law regarding who can get school bus driver licenses... Those changes would include required checks of the state child abuse perpetrators registry, mandatory notification to the Department of Motor Vehicles by bus companies when a driver fails a drug test, and monthly updates to the DMV of where all drivers are employed... James Jenkins, a Laidlaw bus driver in Hartford-area towns who is chapter president of the stewards in his yard and is on the union's local executive board, said increasing compensation for drivers would attract more people from a school's community, people who are already neighbors to students and their families, instead of strangers from two towns over... He said drivers must have the skills and patience to deal with students, parents, and traffic...



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