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BUSMAKERS' NEWS * USA - Factory takes on production of shuttle buses
Leaders get a close look; expansion will add 18 jobs
Woodburn,OR,USA -The Statesman Journal, by Ruth Liao -March 18, 2009: -- A Woodburn bus factory has expanded its production to make shuttle buses and created 18 new jobs for the plant, officials said... Supreme Northwest officials said they expect to add more jobs after production kicks into full gear. The Woodburn facility began producing the StarTrans bus line in January... The plant currently employs 52 people, Supreme Northwest general manager Fred Ballowe said... On Tuesday, the company hosted an open house, which drew state and county leaders in transportation and business development... (Photo by Timothy J. Gonzalez The Statesman Journal: Guests tour Supreme Northwest bus manufacturing facility on Tuesday in Woodburn during an open house. The company began building shuttle buses in January)Labels: busmakers' news
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