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SHUT DOWN * South Africa - Remant Alton buses skid to a halt
Beleagluered municipal bus service Remant Alton is in trouble again
Johannesburg,Gauteng,South Africa -The Times, by MONICA LAGANPARSAD -Mar 13, 2009: -- The bus company, which is contracted to the eThekwini municipality to provide public transport, has announced that it will shut down all services for a month, effective immediately... Earlier in the week, bus drivers refused to work saying the condition of the buses was dangerous to both themselves and passengers. Union officials convinced some of the drivers to return to work... Management said today that a cash shortfall, allegations and reports of intimidation, hijackings and robberies have affected operations and necessitated a shut down of services... The transport company has been plagued by cash flow problems and continual stand-offs with employees since being awarded the transport tender in 2004... Recently a number of employees were retrenched sparking demonstrations by other employees in solidarity with their colleagues...Labels: shut down services
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