PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS * Australia - Priority to trams and buses
Melbourne,Australia -The Melbourne Herald Sun, by Geraldine Mitchell -April 03, 2008: -- The State Government could face a council backlash if a plan for more clearways goes ahead... Sir Rod Eddington yesterday called on the State Government to use a "more forceful approach" to give trams and buses priority in the inner city... He said fast, frequent, reliable and comfortable bus and tram services were critical to increasing patronage... Sir Rod also called for rapid, high quality bus services to Doncaster. He said research found the best way to improve public transport services along the Doncaster corridor was by buses. But any service must have the same frequency and hours of operation as trams and trains, he said... It would cost up to $300 million and the new service could be introduced as early as next year, he said...
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