ASKING PASSENGERS * UK - Bus firm to get user feedback
First's Passengers are being asked to help drive changes to a bus network
Glasgow,Scotland,UK -The Glasgow Evening Times -8 April 2008: -- First is giving passengers the chance to have their say on improvements to the transport network - before bosses draw up their proposals... After the success of last year's pioneering Route Development Plan, First in Glasgow is this year asking customers to help formulate ideas by giving their thoughts ahead of a plan being drawn up... First is also taking ideas from its 2000 drivers and meetings are also planned with councils, health and education organisations and other groups with an interest in the public transport network... RDP 2007 saw the introduction of a series of initiatives, including a new direct bus service from Partick Interchange to Glasgow Airport, as well as improved services to major city health facilities, hospitals, colleges and tourist attractions... The firm is also spending £10million this year on new buses... (Video from YouTube, by DaveSpencer32 - October 16, 2007: "GVVT GLASGOW BUS RUNNING DAY OCTOBER 2007 " - PMP DVD 1560, The annual GVVT running day with free bus services)
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