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* Canada - Bus safety questioned
Alberta,Canada -The Edmonton Sun, by GLENN KAUTH -November 8, 2007: -- Alberta truck drivers are raising questions about bus safety following Tuesday's horrific Greyhound accident that killed three people... The bus was pulling a small cargo trailer on its way to Grande Prairie, something drivers who regularly travel Alberta's highways say they've long been concerned about... "In the trucking world, we got rid of little trailers like that because they're dangerous," Robin Graham, a trucker from Sundre, told Sun Media... Police are still investigating the cause of the early morning crash east of Grande Prairie but have already said icy roads caused by freezing rain were almost certainly a factor. It may take days, however, for a collision analyst to determine exactly why the bus skidded off the road, said Const. Scott Hagarty of the Grande Prairie RCMP... (Picture from bus safety
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