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CONTROLS * USA - Area school buses inspected for safety

In a sign that the start of school isn't far off, Indiana State Police inspectors are checking school buses for safety

Indianapolis,IND,USA -The Indianapolis Star -July 24, 2007: -- ... Gaul and her team of motor carrier inspectors check emergency exits, brakes, lights and tires, and also make sure other important details, such as first-aid kits and fire extinguishers, are in place... If a bus passes muster, Gaul places a blue sticker on it. If there are minor problems, the bus gets a yellow sticker, meaning it can still transport children but has 30 days to take care of the issue. A red sticker means a bus is unsafe and requires immediate repair...

* New Jersey's surprise inspections take private buses off routes for a day
Hackensack,NJ,USA -AP/Newsday (Long Island,NY) -July 24, 2007: -- The state says it was to ensure safety, but managers of private bus lines in north Jersey say surprise inspections that took 11 minibuses off the road Monday could send the wrong message to riders. In northern New Jersey, privately run minibuses have been gaining in popularity because they make more stops and charge lower fares than New Jersey Transit. But some police departments say their drivers sometimes ignore traffic laws and block NJ Transit bus stops. The inspections Monday found several violations.
Some had Chinese-made tires that were subject to a recall...



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