In brief: Worldwide montly news & informations about Buses, Busmakers, Passengers' and the Transport Industry
Newport,England,UK -Isle of Wight County Press, by Richard Wright -22 Sept 2006: -- A silver traveller bus passenger boom sparked by the IW Council's free travel for the over-60s, is leading to more services, cheaper fares and 43 extra drivers' jobs... The revolution in public transport sparked by heavy subsidies to older people and students was detailed to an IW Bus Users' Group public meeting... IW Council transport manager Andy Morris told the meeting the Islander card, which gave over-60s and people with a disability free bus and train travel without restriction, had proved very popular with, in the first five months, 900,000 journeys made — rising to an expected two million by the end of the financial year... (Picture by Georgia Russell: More people are travelling by bus)
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