GreenNews - USA - Yellow buses go green
Fort Wayne,IN,USA -Fort Wayne Journal Gazette -Oct. 01, 2005: -- FWCS board members made the right decision in approving an application for a state grant that would defray the costs of using biodiesel in its 300 school buses... The grant, from the office of Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman, would pay the Fort Wayne Community School system 50 percent of the cost difference between regular diesel and biodiesel fuel up to $50,000. The cost of biodiesel has varied from 4 cents less to 15 cents more than regular diesel over the past two years... FWCS school buses used 671,000 gallons of diesel fuel and traveled 3.6 million miles last year. Converting those buses to biodiesel will be a big step toward decreasing air pollution in Fort Wayne. Seeking the grant makes switching to biodiesel financially attractive as well...
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