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Buses World News

In brief: Worldwide montly news & informations about Buses, Busmakers, Passengers' and the Transport Industry



* India - No tollback for BRT in Delhi, Court says

Delhi,India -Busworld (Belgium) -26 Oct 2012: -- An India court declined to roll the back bus rapid transit corridor projects saying the “bitter medicine” of public transport was necessary for India...  It was the response to a lawsuit filed earlier this year by an 84-year-old activist filed a lawsuit in the public interest asking an Indian court to scrap a road project in South Delhi that carved out separate space for buses, pedestrians and cyclists.One of his arguments was that car users are special, therefore deserve to travel faster, and were being hindered by the BRT, as it is known, which includes a dedicated bus lane.Bus commuters, not being as important, could afford to lose a few minutes here or there, was the argument in the petition of B.B. Sharan wrote...  The court ended its discussions with an interesting statement: “These ‘wealth creators,’ we are sure would like to live in a developed country,” said the bench. “A developed country is not one where the poor own cars. It is one where the rich use public transport” ...

* Europe - EBSF: The future of puyblic local transport comes a step closer

  (Video from YouTube, by UITPvideos -4/07/2012: Scientific Chronicles #19 - Public transit: Information systems of the future Smartbus, the EBSF IT Architecture) 
Brussels,Belgium -Busworld -25 Oct 2012: -- Four years of project work, 48 partners, 7 demonstration projects and a total budget of around 26 million – these are just some of the statistics generated by the European Bus System of the Future, or EBSF for short, which is the biggest road-related transportation project to be funded by the European Commission to date. The UITP presented the results of the individual EBSF projects, or so-called "Use Cases"...  As a comprehensive, widely networked research project for the design and development of an innovative, high-quality European bus system of the future, four years ago the EBSF project took on the goal of demonstrating the capabilities of a new generation of urban bus networks and creating the basis for an integrated systems approach (vehicle, infrastructure, technology, operation) with takes future passenger requirements into account... Nine months of regular service operation have provided a very clear picture of the practical application of such systems. While follow-up work still has to be carried out on some ideas, others have proved suitable for immediate implementation... The design of space using leaning areas and folding seats was in fact so well received that the Bremerhaven Transport Authority has already applied the idea by retrofitting the design to many of its vehicles. Newly acquired vehicles will basically help to continue to implement the idea... Another success was achieved in the area of passenger information systems. Two-thirds of the fleet have already been fitted with 20-inch monitors. The mixture of infotainment, news reports and transport connection information proved so popular among passengers that the transport operator sees this as a significant measure for increasing the appeal of the bus service... Although passengers did not consider a lot of the additional equipment such as WLAN, 240 V sockets and the seat identification system to be absolutely essential, such measures were nevertheless viewed positively within the context of modernity...

* Chile - New global database on BRT Systems

Santiago,Chile -Busworld (Belgium) -27 Oct 2012: -- Three global organizations have teamed up to launch the most comprehensive, public database of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems around the world... The new site,, was created by EMBARQ, the World Resources Institute’s center for sustainable transport, and the Across Latitudes and Cultures – Bus Rapid Transit Centre of Excellence (ALC-BRT CoE), in collaboration with the International Energy Agency (IEA)...  BRT is one of the fastest growing public transport systems. Approximately 134 cities worldwide, from Bogota to Beijing, have implemented BRT systems or priority bus corridors, serving more than 22 million passenger trips daily. BRT is a mode of public transport that flexibly combines stations, vehicles, services, running ways and intelligent transportation system elements into an integrated system...  Worldwide, 129 new corridors have been implemented since 2000, and 37 since 2010. Latin American systems move more than 50 per cent of global BRT daily passenger trips. As many as 25 Brazilian cities have 87 bus corridors, totalling more than 560 km, more than any other country. Of Asia’s 24 BRT systems, 18 began operations since 2006. Systems in 13 US cities together carry nearly 600,000 passenger trips each day...



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