Urban Congestion * USA - D.C. area co-leads nation in traffic congestion
Search nation's largest urban areas to see commuters' yearly delays, excess fuel and congestion costs

Washington,DC,USA -The Washington Post, by Ashley Halsey III -January 20, 2011: ... The number of drivers in the Washington region who say they frequently feel uncontrollable anger toward another driver has doubled in the past five years, according to a Washington Post poll taken last year. Almost a third of drivers said they're overcome with that wild rage from time to time... One reason for that boiling frustration is contained in a report released Thursday, which found that Washington ranks first in the nation when it comes to hours wasted stuck in traffic... The most sophisticated number crunching done on traffic congestion says the average Washington area driver loses 70 hours a year - almost three full days - crawling along in traffic, tying the region with Chicago for worst in the country. Los Angeles, the perennial king of congestion, comes in third, with 63 blown hours... The news came in the annual national traffic survey done by the Texas Transportation Institute, a highly regarded research group based at Texas A&M University... (See Poll) (Photo from blog.thesietch.org: traffic congestion Washington,DC)
Labels: traffic congestions