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Battle of the Sexes * Israel - On The Israeli Buses

Female followers are often forced to sit at the back of buses in their own specially segregated section

Jerusalem,Israel -Russia Today (Moscow,Russia) -21 July, 2009: - Women’s rights are being taken for a ride by a minority of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel... What would be a straightforward means of transport in other parts of the world is a rather trickier trip in the Israeli capital... Feminist activist Avital Feldman no longer catches buses in Jerusalem, as Orthodox Jewish customs mean she is often ordered to sit at the back with the women – not in the front with the men... “I would get on the bus, sit in front and then some guy would come and just tell me ‘go to the back’, he wouldn’t even ask, he’d just tell me ‘you have to go to the back’. And I would say why should I have to go to the back? I would say your rabbis have no authority on me, I don’t believe in them, I’m staying here, and they’d start yelling at some point,” Feldman says... Tensions between religious and secular Jews have been simmering for years. They are now starting to boil over. One-fifth of Jerusalemites are ultra-religious and now want separate buses with separate entrances for men and women...



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