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Stimulus Funds * USA - HART Plans To Order New Buses With
Tampa,FL,USA -The Tampa Tribune, by RICH SHOPES -February 24, 2009: -- Bus riders will get a smoother ride next year thanks to millions in federal stimulus funds... Hillsborough Area Regional Transit is poised to get $15.1 million and says it will use some of the cash to buy 29 buses and refurbish 124 others... If approved Monday by its governing board, HART will order the buses right away to take delivery next year... (Tribune file photo by LAURA KINSLER: Hillsborough Area Regional Transit plans to use some of its federal stimulus money to purchase and refurbish buses)* Kanawha County plans to add two new buses to system with stimulus help Kanawha County,WV,USA -The Charleston Daily Mail, by Cara Bailey -February 27, 2009: -- Riders of the Kanawha Regional Transportation Authority will soon be able to take advantage of two new buses, as money from the economic recovery package rolls into Kanawha County... KRT Assistant General Manager Doug Hartley said preliminary numbers show $2.97 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act being available for the county urban transit properties...Labels: stimulus funds
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