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PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS * India - Nightmare in the bus

We have a transport system with no parallel

Srinagar,Jammu and Kashmir,India (press release), by BASIM AMIN BAZAZ -10 Nov 2008: -- You have buses but the tickets are missing. You have autos but the meters are missing. You have crossroads but the beats are missing. You may have beats but the cops are missing. You may have cops but they are too busy bugging innocents, filling pockets. You have plastic cones (don’t know what else to call them) but the logic behind their use is missing; supposedly installed to regulate traffic they manage to do exactly the opposite. You have two lane roads but one lane is always missing; dedicated to an underground sewer being laid, throughout the year. You have every third person ploughing down your roads but the reason is missing. You have plans but the actions are missing. You have actions but the plans are missing. You have traffic lights but the functioning is missing. You now have a train; Allah knows what it is not missing! ... The transport system in the valley is crippled, to say the least. At a time when increase in the number of vehicles is far far greater than what the system can cope up with, the next few years will see traveling in Kashmir become a nightmare...



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