TechnoNews - USA - Henkel opens testing center
Adhesives used in vehicles worldwide
Detroit,Mich,USA -Detroit Free Press, by KIM NORRIS -Sept 24, 2005: -- Earlier this year, Henkel teamed with Freightliner's Thomas Built Buses to manufacture the first school bus held together with adhesives instead of traditional welds... "It is conceivable to have a vehicle that is literally glued together", said... In a windowless lab in a converted warehouse, two chemists test the strength of an adhesive holding two pieces of metal together... In another room, a chemist tests the fatigue point of a sealant in a machine that pulls and releases the metal 50 times a second more than 1 million times... Knowing the breaking point of these products is important because they might be holding together the frame of a vehicle, brake assembly or some other critical parts... This type of testing goes on around the clock at the North American labs of Henkel Technologies...
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