SAFETY - USA - Study shows: All cell conversations distracting
WASHINGTON,USA - The Trucker - Feb/2005 -- The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) Feb. 3 cited new research from the University of Utah as further evidence that both hands-free and hand-held cell phone use are potentially dangerous behaviors while driving... The study, found that when 18- to 25-year-olds were placed in a driving simulator and talked on a cell phone, they reacted to brake lights from a car in front of them as slowly as a 65- to 74-year-olds who were not using a cell phone, according to a GHSA news release. The study also found that drivers who talked on cell phones were 18 percent slower in hitting their brakes than drivers who did not talk and drive. The drivers were distracted whether they were using a hand-held phone or using the hands-free feature...
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