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Buses World News

In brief: Worldwide montly news & informations about Buses, Busmakers, Passengers' and the Transport Industry


COMMENTS - USA - Old-line industry needs new-age speed

Detroit, ILL, USA -The Detroit News,By Daniel Howes -January 9, 2005 -- ... And the biggest players in consumer products -- global automakers -- are tailoring more new vehicles to promising niche markets. But they aren't much closer to attaining the Holy Grail of speedy made-to-order cars they started touting nearly a decade ago... That's an Old Economy-New Economy chasm that will only grow wider until someone figures out how to build and deliver cars and trucks as fast as Dell delivers PCs and laptops to your subdivision. To the winner will go bigger shares of lucrative, consumption-obsessed markets like the United States -- and a lot of feel-good attention.


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